
Simon Hon's Profile (On Top)

Personal Fitness Trainer: Hon Chi Yin, Simon

Since I was born, I had been quite weak. I decided to do exercises to strengthen my body. Fortunately I found an experienced trainer, he taught his body training knowledge and secrets to me. I have learnt the art of being healthy. My body got better than ever before. I feel there are many advantages of fitness. The most important one is that having a healthy body would allow you to enjoy life to the fullest. That is why I want to be in the field of fitness to further develop the culture of fitness.


Training Experience:
The H.K. Society For Rehab in Lam Tin Complex - Personal Fitness Trainer
Hong Kong Science Park Club House - Fitness Instructor
Action Waterfall in Olympian City - Personal Fitness Trainer
Range of clients: Teenagers, Adults and Elderly

AASFP Advanced Personal Fitness Trainer Certification

AASFP Nutrition and Weight Management Certification
AASFP Muay Thai Instructor (Foundation) Certification
HKBA Boxing Referee & Judge
AASFP Sports Injury Management Certification
AASFP Sports Massage Certification
AASFP Elderly Fitness Certification
H.K. St. John Ambulance- Adult CPR Certification

Favorite Exercises:
Fitness, Cycling, Boxing, Swimming, Skating, Football

Do not hesitate to enquire or book for an appointment
Simon Hon
Phone / WhatsApp: (852) 6078 7153
Email: simson99w@hotmail.com
Blog in Chinese: http://blog.xuite.net/simson99w/hkblog
Blog in English: http://fitness-simon.blogspot.hk